Monday, March 27, 2006

Daylight Savings? In Spain?? Where have I been...?

Finally a morning sans construction! Sigh. I woke up around noon with Stacey gone...she had woken up early to go to the Arab baths for some major spa time with Jessica (their birthday gifts to themselves). It was sunny and 79 degrees outside so I made some toast, poured some water, got dressed and sat out on the porch to sunbathe and read. I finished Harry Potter 2, yayyy!!! Oh man, I love J.K. Rowling for her literary genius. I'm so excited to start the 3rd! At around 1:30 Marta called me in for lunch which confused me...why were we eating so early? When I got inside I looked at the clock and it actually said 2:30. Oooohhhhhhh yeeeah; I forgot that there was a time change Saturday night. Yup, they practice Daylight Savings in Spain, and it was March 25th at night. What was I thinking? Lunch was soooo amazing: we had veggie and shellfish paella (I love Maruja's paella!) and a really good salad with corn and hearts-of-palm and some really large capers on the side (I think that that's what they were...). Found out while watching TV that Raquel Moscura, one of the most famous singers in Spain who has been fighting terminal Cancer since I had arrived here (it's been all over the news) had died the night before. So sad. It was all over TV, everyone was talking about it...kind of like how it was when Princess Diana died. After lunch I went back outside and did a tad more reading. Marta came outside and told me that she was getting ready to watch How to Lose a Guy in Ten Days. Oh, by the way, I'm writing this on Monday night at midnight, and Stacey JUST TURNED 20!!!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY, STACEYYY!!!!!!!!!!! Anyways. So I went to charge my iPod, watched some of the movie with Marta (gotta love those movies sometimes...and Matthew Mcauneghey...), then packed up and headed to the river to do some reading. It was soooo warm out, I was even sweating! I took a long route to the seating area because it was so nice out and I just like walking...and my iPod. I then found an open seat in the outdoor bar area and started reading the next play for Teatro, "300 millones" which is really crazy, weird, and amazing so far. It's very psychoanalytic and depicts figures in human dreams. Craaaaazy. After an hour and a half I hear my name being called--it was Stacey! She and Jessica had gone out to lunch together after the Arab baths and then went to the river to sit out and do some reading. She and Jessica were sitting merely feet away from me! I joined them, we chatted, they had had a nice "date". They were late to their appointments at the baths due to the time change (again, who knew?), but they still got in and really enjoyed themselves. They went into all of these baths with different salts and got massages...I gotta get myself over there! They also had a nice lunch. We all sat together reading, people watching (which is always a treat in that seating area by the river). You get a good dose of children in their silly church outfits (think boys wearing tights and suspenders...yeah, the Spanish are kind of crazy). I also spotted a woman in an electric wheelchair holding a yorkshire terrier with a bow in its hair in her lap. Is that what she considers taking a dog for a walk? Oh Spain. Stacey left around 6:30 because she didn't have any hw with her (she had been reading Jessica's copy of "300 millones") so she could head home and grab more work and then go to Starbucks for the night (she had a lot of hw so she decided to skip dinner at home and lock herself in Starbucks until closing). I then read for another couple hours with Jessica and watched a pretty awesome sunset over the Guadilquivir river. At around 8:20 I left. I met up with Stacey at Starbucks, chatted with her a bit at her table to allow her a homework break, and then walked home. For dinner that night we had cooked green beans, potatoes, and onions with olive oil, and then the breaded lightly fried chicken filets that I had eaten with Stacey that past week when we made our own lunch. After dinner I showered (I was gross, sweaty, and dirty), got ready for bed, did some blogging and emails, Stacey came home around 11, etc. Maria del Mar used my comp to do some online hw exercises which was kind of annoying because Stacey was exhausted and passed out around 11:30, and since my comp needed to charge Maria del Mar had to do hw in our room. I felt kind of badly, but luckily Stacey's a pretty deep sleeper. I finally finished up my online errands and went to bed around 1:45am.


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